Handouts, posters, and slides from recent presentations:
A discourse-sensitive intensional semantics for temporal just. WCCFL 41. UC Santa Cruz, 6 May 2023.
Predication and the content of roots. Externalizing words: Mono- and Multilingual Perspectives. Penn State University, 24 March 2023.
Hunt, Benjamin, and Sylvia L.R. Schreiner. Documenting quantifiers in Akuzipik: Images for eliciting nominal quantification. Paper, Society for the Study of the Indigenous Languages of the Americas 2022. Virtual, January 2022.
Masella Soldati, Giulia, Harim Kwon, and Sylvia L.R. Schreiner. Ultrasound study of coronal continuants in Akuzipik/St. Lawrence Island Yupik. Paper, Society for the Study of the Indigenous Languages of the Americas 2022. Virtual, January 2022.
Schreiner, Sylvia L.R. A lexically-encoded temporal distinction in Scottish Gaelic perfect aspect. Paper, LSA 2022 Annual Meeting, January 2022.
Schreiner, Sylvia L.R. Support for span-conditioned allomorphy and late linearization. Paper, WCCFL 39, March 2021.
Hunt, Benjamin, and Sylvia L.R. Schreiner. The distribution of nominal quantifiers in a digitized corpus of St. Lawrence Island Yupik. Poster, WCCFL 39, March 2021. (one-page version here)
Hunt, Benjamin, Emily Chen, Lane Schwartz, Wills Davis, Sylvia L.R. Schreiner, Scott Schreiner. A morphologically aware offline mobile electronic dictionary for St. Lawrence Island Yupik. Poster, Symposium on American Indian Languages, March 2021.
Schwartz, Lane, Sylvia L.R. Schreiner, Emily Chen, Hyunji Hayley Park, Peter Zuckerman, Benjamin Hunt, and Giulia Masella Soldati. Tools for the maintenance and revitalization of St. Lawrence Island Yupik. Paper, Symposium on American Indian Languages, March 2021.
Schwartz, Lane, Emily Chen, Hyunji Hayley Park, Edward Jahn, and Sylvia L.R. Schreiner. A Digital Corpus of St. Lawrence Island Yupik for the Yupik Community. Poster, 7th International Conference on Language Documentation & Conservation, Virtual, March 2021.
Schreiner, Sylvia L.R. Types of proximity in St. Lawrence Island Yupik past markers. Poster, 2021 Annual Meeting of The Society for the Study of the Indigenous Languages of the Americas, Virtual, January 2021.
Hunt, Benjamin, Harim Kwon, and Sylvia L.R. Schreiner. An acoustic analysis St. Lawrence Island Yupik vowels. Poster, Acoustics Virtually Everywhere, The 179th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, Virtual, December 2020.
Hunt, Benjamin, and Sylvia L.R. Schreiner. On the Status of the Determiner Phrase in St. Lawrence Island Yupik. Paper, 2020 Meeting of the Society for the Study of the Indigenous Languages of the Americas, New Orleans, January 2020.
Schwartz, Lane, Emily Chen, Hayley Park, Sylvia L.R. Schreiner, and Benjamin Hunt. St. Lawrence Island Yupik Technology for Language Documentation and Revitalization. Poster, International Conference Language Technologies for All (LT4All): Enabling Linguistic Diversity and Multilingualism Worldwide, December 2019.
Schwartz, Lane, Sylvia L.R. Schreiner, Peter Zukerman, Giulia Masella Soldati, Emily Chen, and Benjamin Hunt. Initiating a tool-building infrastructure for the use of the St. Lawrence Island Yupik language community. Paper, International Year of Indigenous Languages 2019: Perspectives Conference, October 2019.
Schreiner, Sylvia L.R. When translation fails: Pinpointing “past tense” meanings with speakers of St. Lawrence Island Yupik. Paper, 21st Inuit Studies Conference, Montreal, October 2019.
Hunt, Benjamin, Emily Chen, Sylvia L.R. Schreiner, and Lane Schwartz. Community lexical access for an endangered polysynthetic language: An electronic dictionary for St. Lawrence Island Yupik. System demonstration, 2019 Annual Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics (NAACL), June 2019.
Hunt, Benjamin, and Sylvia L.R. Schreiner. Patterns in Heteromorphemic Consonant Behavior in St. Lawrence Island Yupik. Poster, Workshop on the Structure and Constituency of the Languages of Americas (WSCLA) 24, UMD, May 2019.
Benjamin Hunt, Emily Chen, Sylvia Schreiner, and Lane Schwartz. Introducing An Electronic Dictionary for Central Siberian / St. Lawrence Island Yupik. Technology showcase, 6th International Conference on Language Documentation & Conservation (ICLDC), Hawaii, February 2019.
Lane Schwartz, Sylvia L.R. Schreiner, Emily Chen and Benjamin Hunt. Bidirectional Leveraging of Computational Morphology and Linguistic Fieldwork. Poster, 6th International Conference on Language Documentation & Conservation (ICLDC).
Lane Schwartz, Emily Chen, Benjamin Hunt, and Sylvia L.R. Schreiner. Bootstrapping a Neural Morphological Analyzer for St. Lawrence Island Yupik from a Finite-State Transducer. Comput-EL3 Workshop, Hawaii, February 2019.
Documenting semantic contrasts in a low-resource language. Invited talk, University of Calgary.
Benjamin Hunt and Sylvia L.R. Schreiner. The syntax of negation in St. Lawrence Island/Central Siberian Yupik. 2019 Meeting of the Society for the Study of the Indigenous Languages of the Americas.
Nominal predication and the semantics of roots. Poster, North East Linguistic Society 49, Cornell University.
Degrees of central coincidence across categories. 89th Annual Meeting of the Linguistic Society of America.
Greg Key and Sylvia L.R. Schreiner. The prospective marker in Turkish: A unified treatment. The 10th Workshop on Altaic Formal Linguistics, MIT.
Sylvia L.R. Schreiner and Megan Schildmier Stone. Aspect outside the stem: Prospective morphology in Cherokee. 2014 Meeting of the Society for the Study of the Indigenous Languages of the Americas.